Untitled Mood Lighting
Isaac Pool
“Untitled Mood Lighting” explores the limits of isolation and uninhibited joy, and the psychic consequences we face when we unmute the excesses that animate our will to thrive. The performers adopt club lights as tools to help them construct portals to expand droning bedroom depression into fantasies of spotlit validation. As their explorations grow, they find limits of ecstatic embodiment and push up against self-annihilation and imagined realities of public exposure. Performers’ movements are built from private gestures they often use to self-soothe and pose a kind of resistance in a culture that either distracts from uninhibited embodiment or attempts to dissolve it.
Directed, Designed, and Co-Created by Isaac Pool.
Co-Created and Performed by Miriam Gabriel, ALEXA GRÆ,
Nina Guevara, and Sahar Sepahdari-Dalai
Music by Isaac Pool and ALEXA GRÆ
Live instrumentation by ALEXA GRÆ
Costumes by Isaac Pool with masks by Sahar Sepahdari-Dalai
Filmed by Intrinsic Grey
Special thanks to Jessie Young and Jesse Firestone.
This project was supported, in part, by a Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant and developed, in part, during a residency at Triangle Arts Association in Brooklyn, New York and filmed at Wave Hill in Bronx, New York.