“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”
the most ardent and stringent upholders of these sentiments are deeply disgruntled.
a joyless class.
your family moved away from your town when you were in middle school - it was a loss.
there must be an intergenerational psychic cost to 246 years of chattel slavery.
harm is harm - even when your truth is disavowed, outlawed, and abandoned.
anti-historical //
acontextual //
poison pills labeled: [insert tiny whyte lie] :: in the past: cloaked and sold to you as progress.
show up with fervor for your descendants, leave something lovely,
the way you were able to receive, when you arrived - soft.
if it’s in the body: it’s in the room.
a dance with the ancestors - wanderlust eternal.
structural disdain for the people whose economic demise banked a highly profitable venture.
ever had to buy milk in a food desert?....
it’s about to spoil and its hella marked up.
H. R. 40
repair, redress - let their spirits rest.
rinse and repeat.
to the stars and to the dirt.
march. offer a new hello. commemorate.
and there…
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