i spotted him across the room.
a breath of excitement.
an exhale of being considered.
pretend it was a sunday. the feast laid before you. complicated decisions need to be made.
but wait. the greens. the hot bar greens - actually at scale. and behold. ham. in tact.
the bits haven’t all been picked apart.
time staring at me and you, you and me - mutual adoration.
a breath of excitement.
an exhale of being considered.
thank you universe for sending me one him. who just like me me is a guest.
who just like us you is a guest. there are others here who look like you.
they're not guests. they are serving.
interaction with them is measured. respectful and gracious.
taking you in with subtle and quizzical glances - brother…..are you here alone?
twinkling eyes. mirror amusement. a miniature. a micro freedom - shaped like a box -
positioned in the space around the lips and mouth.
guests and non guests. mixed company. cut clear.
pause exaggeration theatrics.
pause exaggeration theatrics, please.
// pause //
the connection would be healing. a play of laughter. operatic burdens of the day.
turn taking as the protagonist conjuring magic as expansive as the miracles proclaimed by the manual.
ushered in. handed to. passed down. some with hats. colorful flowers. golden plates.
lights. smoke. music. a story. a word. a bite. an everyone.
everyone given an opportunity to emerge naked and visible.
an invitation to partake in a moment of silence before the bite, the sip, and shallow swallow.
sacred meal meant to nourish
the rows
and rows
and rows of guests.
pretend it was a sunday.
i spotted him across the room.
a breath of excitement.
an exhale of being considered.
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